Praise God that two families Eric and I have been following in "blog land" have returned home today with their newly adopted family members! The Jewett's and the Nordstrom's have returned home with their daughters! (To view the Nordstrom's site, click HERE. To visit the Jewett's site click HERE. We had the privilege and honor of being able to drive up to Sioux City, Iowa to attend our first ever "Welcome Home" gathering for the Nordstrom family at the "large and in charge" Sioux Gateway Airport. (The size of this airport is a complete exaggeration for those of you who have never had the opportunity to encounter this airport.) To say that the welcoming crew descended on the waiting area and overtook it, would be an understatement. Eric asked me if I knew what flight number they were arriving on, to which I promptly burst out laughing and said, "I'm sure we won't have trouble finding them in the ONE waiting area...they'll be the group with all of the balloons, posters, and Africa shirts on!" He cracks me up sometimes. CLEARLY he does not follow all of the adoption blogs like I do...I love him, what can I say?
We would have also loved to have been a part of the Jewett homecoming, but as they live in the SE United States and we live in the Midwest (sadly I have not yet, to my knowledge, learned to clone myself or aparate to two different locations) we were not able to accomplish this. If I'd have been able to be in both places today, believe me, I would have - as Lady Jewett has been a TREMENDOUS source of encouragement, support and knowledge to me in our own adoption journey. Luv ya' girl! ;) The Nordstroms have been an encouragement too, although they are probably less aware of that fact. ;)
I have only seen photos and read of the many Airport Welcomings through adoption blog land, but this was the first one I have been able to be a part of, and it was wonderful. It was such a joy to watch the Nordstrom kids wait in anticipation (*note all of the faces of the above pic) of their parents and new sister's arrival, literally counting down the to witness what a wonderful supportive network they have walked with throughout this process. (We strategically placed ourselves with the camera so that we could capture the overwhelming emotion of Mom and Pop Nordstrom de-boarding the plane and the siblings response to it.) There are no words to describe it!
We have followed the Nordstrom's journey through their blog and exchanged brief messages with them, and today we got to officially meet them. (Which is strange, considering that when you follow someone's blog for the better part of a year you feel like you already know them well!) Of course, the meeting was brief and we did not wish to take up too much of their time when they had traveled so long and far and had so many people vying for their attention! So we introduced ourselves, visited briefly, gave our congratulations, and slipped out quietly to allow them time with the rest of their friends and family. We merely wanted to encourage them and show them support in the final leg of their adoption journey home. Now she is their daughter and a new chapter of the journey will begin.
Their new daughter, is BEAUTIFUL! She handled the swarm of people surprisingly well, quietly taking it all in from the comfort and security of her parents arms. I had the most enjoyment watching her...wondering what she was thinking, how she was feeling, and how my son or daughter might feel if they encounter the same situation. I feel so blessed to have been a part of this celebration.
Thanks Nordstroms and Jewetts for allowing us to "walk" with you and to be a part of your journey. It has been so wonderful to witness the God-sized plan He has laid before you and how He has guided you down this path. I pray you much rest and special time with your family in the weeks to come.